02 Aug 2nd Annual Jet Ski Extravaganza
At Mud Cove (Pace Bend Park) [From 10:00 – out of gas]
We will hold our first annual standup Jetski ride on Saturday, August 7th at Pace Bend Park on Lake Travis benefitting Town Lake Animal Shelter. I am trying to get things started around 10:00 am so we can get good lake side parking at the flats. This event is for standup riders and waveblasters only. Originally planned for Lake Austin, I have decided Mud Cove at Pace Bend Park would accommodate more riders and family members who might want to camp. Looking for a few volunteers with boats and video cameras to get some video of us riding side by side down Cow Creek and Go Pro camera’s for some up close action shots.
This is not a competition, just a fun event for us die hard stand up riders. I will, however, set up a bouy course for those who want to play. There will be organized practice for both begginer/novice riders as well as advanced riders. Helmets are recommmended while on the closed course.
Hope to see as many stand up riders from the texas area as possible. Any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thanks, Joe Gregorek